Soup base made with white shrimp,"Jewel of Toyama bay"

(日本語) 富山湾の宝石とうたわれる「白えび」からじっくりとだしをとった、4倍濃縮タイプのだしつゆ。昔から富山県ではそうめんに欠かせない白えびつゆ。全国で富山の夏をお楽しみいただけます。煮物などにも。

Product Summary

Product Code 3317
Name of Product SHIROEBI TSUYU 160ml
JANcode 4979369331703
Volume 160ml (PET bottle160ml PET bottle)
Name of Food つゆ(希釈用)
Ingredients Naturally brewed soy sauce, Sugar, High fructose corn syrup, Salt, Seafood extract, Shiitake mushroom extract, White shrimp/ Alcohol, Seasoning (amino acid, nucleic acid), Caramel color, Sweetener (Sucralose)
Quality Gurantee Period 18 months(Normal temperature avoid direct sunlight)
Allergen Wheat, Soybean, Shrimp

Nutrition facts( per100ml )

Energy 75kcal
Protein 4.9g
Fat 0.0g
Carbohydrates 13.8g
Salt 15.5g


Sweetness ★★★★
Saltness ★★
Richness ★★★★★
Easy to cook ★★★★★
Toyama ★★★★★
Package Size Width 55mm
Depth 55mm
Height 128mm
Package Weight 215g
Case Count 10
Packing Size Width 120mm
Depth 280mm
Height 140mm
Packing Weight 2260g

Tsuyu Soup BasePET bottle160ml PET bottle