Power of Vegitables and Fermentation

It's a brand new soysauce with 3 kinds of mashrooms and kelp broth. This soysauce do not contains any animal derived ingredients. Soysauce is a fermented food which have good effect in human body like improvement of intestinal condition. It's natural taste and healthy seasoning. We recommend the scene for making diet for Children. No MSG. It's very healthy seasoning. "Fermented food & Plant based food support health long life"

Product Summary

Product Code 3270
Name of Product SOKUSAI-SAISAI Shiitake Kombu Dashi Shoyu 150ml
JANcode 4979369327003
Volume 150ml (Glass bottle150ml glass bottle)
Name of Food Soy sauce
Ingredients Soysauce, Sugar, Salt, High fructose corn syrup, Protein hydrolysate, Shiitake mashroon extract, Shiitake mashroom extract powder, Mashroom extract, Kelp extract, Enoki mashroom powder/Alcohol
Quality Gurantee Period 18 months(Normal temperature avoid direct sunlight)
Allergen Wheat, Soybean

Nutrition facts( per100ml )

Energy 92kcal
Protein 8.3g
Fat 0.0g
Carbohydrates 14.6g
Salt 11.9g


Sweetness ★★★★★
Richness ★★★★★
Easy to cook ★★★★★
Toyama ★★★
Package Size Width 51mm
Depth 51mm
Height 140mm
Package Weight 300g
Case Count 12
Packing Size Width 185mm
Depth 240mm
Height 160mm
Packing Weight 3820g
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NewSoy SauceSpecial Soy SauseGlass bottle150ml glass bottle